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Rolling Papers: The Ultimate Guide on Smoking Papers

Rolling Papers: The Ultimate Guide on Smoking Papers

With so many new technological advancements in smoking over the past few years, rolling up your favorite herbs is almost a past time now. A lot of people have made their way over to vaporizers. Other have gone straight to concentrates by starting to use dab rigs and nectar collectors. Rolling papers still have a lot about them that makes them unique. With cigarettes rising in costs because of taxes, rolling your own tobacco doesn't seem like a bad idea.


What are Rolling Papers? 

Rolling papers are very thin and lightweight nonwood plant fibers that you can use to roll up your tobacco or dry herbs. The papers come in different materials such as flax, hemp, sisal, or rice straw. Depending on the material, the color will vary too. Some are white while others are transparent and some are beige. Some are also flavored while most of them are natural organic. Each paper comes with a strip of special glue. The strip is used to stick it together. 

Most of the time, rolling papers come in packs of 24 or 32. They often don't contain additives but some do come with it to help slow down burning of the paper. The slower it burns, the better your smoke experience will be.

Filter Tips or Crutches

Using a tip or crutch is something where smokers are split on. Some love to use it and others are not. Whether you like it or not, it can help. Using a tip like a DNA Tokers Tips is a glass circular tip. You place it at the end as you roll it. You place your lips on it while smoking. This help you smoke more while wasting less.

The History of Papers

Contrary to what most might assume, rolling papers did not originate from France. In fact, Spain was one of the pioneers when it came to tobacco smoking. Papers stemmed all the way back to the 18th century. It's said that the inventor of rolling papers was Alexandro Rizlette whose family would eventually assume control of – you guessed it, the Rizla company. They're responsible for manufacturing one of the most popular brands of rolling paper to this day.

In keeping up with more recent trends mostly popularized by the advent of vaping, rolling papers have followed suit with their own take of producing a more palatable taste for those who dislike the burnt flavor of herbs. Citrus, blueberry, or even chocolate have become one of the most popular options for adding an extra bit of flavor to a regular tasting paper.

Papers vs Cones

Paper cones are very similar to rolling papers in almost every way. However, instead of single roll papers in a small cardboard, paper cones come already rolled. They are rolled in a cone shape with the larger opening on the outside. Simply stuff your herbs in there then twist the paper to close it up.

Rolling Papers vs Rolling Wraps

One of the most often debated topics in this area is which is the better medium among the two. Rolling papers being the cheaper out of the two, are considerably more popular. They also produce a much cleaner flavor that lets you experience the true qualities of the herb being used. With papers being so thin, it does pose a problem when you are new to rolling. However, with so many new smoking gadgets coming out recently, rolling machines help immensely. Simply fill up your ground up herbs, put your paper in and roll it.

Rolling wraps, also known as cigar wraps are easier to work with compared to your average rolling paper mostly due to their thicker nature. The thickness is attributed to the fact that a rolling wrap is comprised of an inner and outer leaf both made out of tobacco or hemp. While cigar wraps produce a smoother flavor, they inherently contain nicotine thanks to the tobacco leaf used. This can automatically disqualify it as an option for those looking to avoid nicotine altogether.


How to Roll with Papers?

1. The first step is done by constructing the tip. While this is also known as a filter, the roach doesn't actually do any filtering similar to the filters used in cigarettes. The actual purpose for this is to a create a much smoother and consistent airflow for the smoke to pass through. It also creates a comfortable buffer zone between your lips and the hot burning end of your joint.

2. Lay out your rolling paper on a flat clean surface with the sticky side facing up, ideally away from you.

3. Take your preferred herb, then grind or crush it to a cigarette tobacco-like consistency. Sprinkle and spread it down on the middle of your rolling paper.

4. Take hold of the side of the paper without any adhesive and carefully fold it over the middle section containing the herb, then proceed to start rolling the paper into a tube.

5. After you've finished rolling the paper into the beginnings of a joint, it's time to literally seal the deal. Lightly lick the adhesive before gently pressing it down against the outer exposed area of the paper. Don't forget to twist the end of the opposite of the tip so none of the herb actually spills out before you're ready to use it. That's it! Feel free to light up and enjoy your own hand-made joint at your leisure.

Previous article 14 Best Rolling Papers in 2021